In the aftermath of devastating incidents in Afghanistan, protecting children from abuse, exploitation, and harm is of utmost importance. This comprehensive guide aims to provide practical strategies to safeguard children during this challenging period.

Immediate Actions to Protect Children

1. Intervene if you witness abuse: If you see or hear a child being physically or emotionally harmed by an adult or another child, intervene immediately. Ask them to stop and seek help from authorities or community leaders to ensure the safety of the child.

2. Ensure supervision: Children should always be accompanied or supervised by a trusted adult when they are away from their families, playing, using latrines, or bathing areas. This reduces the risk of potential harm or exploitation.

3. Beware of potential exploitation: Be cautious of individuals offering to take care of your child or providing promises of jobs or education in exchange for food, shelter, or money. Such situations may put your child at risk of exploitation or harm. Know the whereabouts of your children at all times and inform authorities or humanitarian workers if you suspect any suspicious activities.

4. Promote hygiene and health: Educate and train children on proper hygiene practices, including handwashing and using safe drinking water. If you notice any unusual illnesses among children, consult health workers immediately for proper medical attention.01_3.jpg

Addressing Emotional Distress

5. Support children emotionally: Children and adults may experience emotional distress after a disaster like floods. Listen to children attentively when they express their concerns. Reassure them that their feelings are normal and it is not their fault. Encourage them to play with friends and participate in activities such as going to school or Child Friendly Spaces (CFS).

6. Maintain positivity and routine: Help children return to their normal routines such as schoolwork, prayers, chores, sports, and daily activities. Make them feel loved and safe. Avoid making promises that cannot be fulfilled. If their emotional reactions are severe or prolonged, consider seeking support from counsellors at Child Friendly Spaces or health clinics.02_3.jpg

Long-term Protection Measures

7. Register children at birth: Ensure your child is registered at birth. Birth registration is essential as it helps protect children, enables them to obtain identity documents (Tazkera), and facilitates access to health, education, and other essential services.

8. Educate about personal safety: Teach your children and family members that no one has the right to touch them inappropriately or demand favors in exchange for humanitarian assistance. Empower them with knowledge about their rights and personal safety.03_3.jpg


By implementing these guidelines, you can contribute to the protection and well-being of children affected in Afghanistan. Stay vigilant, supportive, and proactive in ensuring children are safe from abuse, exploitation, and harm during this challenging time.

Ask for help from "Beporsed"

For those Afghans seeking specific information, "Beporsed" is here to help. You can reach our information center through WhatsApp (+93729807235)Facebook Messenger, or our website's Messenger to ask our online information desk officer for assistance.

For more information

For more information on immigration, resettlement, education and scholarship programs, and other opportunities available to Afghans worldwide, as well as details on the humanitarian services provided by international organizations in Afghanistan and procedures for obtaining civil documents from governmental institutions, please visit Beporsed's website and social media pages.

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