و رهنمود در مورد خدمات پذیرش و استقرار مجازی (VR&P) کمیته بین‌المللی نجات (IRC)-03.jpg

This guide provides essential information about the International Rescue Committee (IRC) Virtual Reception and Placement (VR&P) Services for Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and Afghan Humanitarian Parolees (AHPs) in the U.S. Designed to offer clarity and support, this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) format addresses common queries related to the VR&P program, helping individuals navigate the complexities of resettlement in the U.S. The VR&P program provides online resettlement services for qualifying Afghan SIV holders and AHPs who have self-funded their travel and arrived in the United States independently of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). This guide is particularly valuable for those with pending SIV cases or those considering or currently participating in the VR&P program. The IRC’s VR&P Program plays a crucial role in supporting the resettlement journey of Afghan SIV holders and AHPs. By offering virtual case management, financial assistance, and guidance, the VR&P Program strives to ensure a seamless transition for individuals and families embarking on their new life in the U.S. Please note that the VR&P program does not provide housing and material goods as part of its resettlement services.

Important Note:

There are two pathways to receive support from VR&P. This guide is specific to Afghan SIV holders and Afghan Humanitarian Parolees who choose to self-fund travel to the United States and arrive without the assistance of IOM. If your case is overseas and the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) has contacted you about VR&P, please see the information related to those arriving through Operation Enduring Welcome (OEW) and have strong support from a U.S. tie.

This information is based on the understanding of the "Beporsed" team from various sources and is not legal advice. This guide is updated on 8th August 2024. For legal guidance and advice, we recommend consulting official sources. Join us as we address the key questions surrounding the IRC’s VR&P Services, equipping you with the knowledge and support needed for a successful resettlement experience.


What is Virtual Reception and Placement (VR&P)?

Virtual Reception and Placement (VR&P) is a support program designed to assist Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and certain Afghan Humanitarian Parolees (AHPs) with virtual case management services. This program specifically caters to Afghan SIVs and qualifying AHPs who travel to the United States independently. These cases are often referred to as "walk-ins." Currently, VR&P is the only resettlement option available for Afghan SIV walk-ins.

The VR&P program helps participants navigate the complex landscape of social services in the United States, providing guidance on how to access benefits and connect with local resources. By offering virtual case management, the program ensures that individuals receive the support they need to transition smoothly into their new lives in the U.S.

Please note that due to the high number of SIVs seeking services, cases that self-fund their travel may be placed on a waitlist. The VR&P team member completing the eligibility screening can provide the current wait time. No VR&P services will commence until a case is approved and assigned a virtual caseworker.


Who is eligible for VR&P?

Virtual Reception and Placement (VR&P) provides essential support to specific groups of Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and Afghan Humanitarian Parolees (AHPs) who meet the program's eligibility criteria. Here’s a detailed overview of who qualifies for VR&P services:

  • Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) Holders: Individuals who hold an Afghan SIV are eligible for VR&P if they traveled to the U.S. independently, without financial or logistical support from the International Organization for Migration (IOM). These cases, often referred to as "walk-ins," are specifically supported by VR&P as it is currently the only resettlement option for Afghan SIV holders who have arrived on their own.
  • Certain Afghan Humanitarian Parolees (AHP): Eligibility extends to AHPs who arrived in the U.S. after September 30, 2022. This includes spouses, parents, or children of Afghan Parolees who arrived between July 31, 2021, and September 30, 2023.

VR&P provides vital remote case management through various communication methods such as phone, email, text, and video calls.  The program does not provide housing and other materials goods.


What are the eligibility criteria for VR&P enrollment?

Virtual Reception and Placement (VR&P) is designed to support Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and certain Afghan Humanitarian Parolees (AHPs) who meet specific eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria for VR&P enrollment are as follows:

  • The client must have traveled to the U.S. independently, without IOM (International Organization for Migration) assistance.
  • The client must not have received any R&P services or funds prior to contacting VR&P.
  • The client must not include any minors traveling without a parent or legal guardian.
  • The client must not have complex medical needs that would require in-person assistance.
  • The client must be assured within the 90-day eligibility period upon entering the country. It is recommended that new arrivals contact VR&P as soon as possible after arrival.

VR&P is designed to offer flexible support for those who meet these criteria, ensuring they receive  early resettlement support as they begin their new life in the U.S. For clients who do not meet these criteria or require more extensive support, VR&P will work with local agencies to ensure appropriate referrals and services are provided.

Once a client contacts VR&P, a virtual case manager will conduct an eligibility screening and submit the case for additional review by the Refugee Processing Center (RPC).If RPC approves the case for R&P benefits, the case will be assigned a VR&P case worker. That virtual caseworker will provide support and information on accessing early resettlement services but will not procure housing, furnishings, or provide transportation.


What if clients in an area want more support than VR&P can provide?

Virtual Reception and Placement (VR&P) is designed to support most eligible cases through remote case management. When a client contacts VR&P, a virtual caseworker will assess their eligibility and specific needs. For clients who require more intensive support, VR&P has protocols in place to ensure they receive the appropriate assistance.

If a case involves unaccompanied minors, VR&P will automatically refer these clients to in-person services, as they require more specialized care and oversight. Similarly, clients with complex medical issues that cannot be adequately addressed through virtual support will also be referred for in-person services. These referrals are made to ensure that clients receive the comprehensive care they need.

Referrals for in-person services are considered on a case-by-case basis and depend on the capacity of local resettlement agencies. The virtual caseworker will coordinate with local offices to determine the availability of resources and ensure a seamless transition for the client. This approach ensures that those with higher needs are prioritized and receive the necessary support without overwhelming local services.


What kinds of services does VR&P provide?

Virtual Reception and Placement (VR&P) offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to support Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and eligible Afghan Humanitarian Parolees (AHPs) as they settle into life in the U.S. Here’s an overview of the key services provided:

Personalized Virtual Case Management:

  • Help with applying for essential public benefits and scheduling health screenings.
  • Support with enrolling school-aged children in local schools to ensure their educational needs are met.
  • Referrals: Guidance on accessing job readiness programs, English language classes, and immigration services to aid in successful integration.
  • Assistance in navigating community resources and providing cultural orientation to help clients acclimate to their new environment.

Financial Assistance:

  • Each adult client receives a debit card preloaded with direct assistance funds to address prioritized needs such as housing, food, and transportation. For those that are assured to the VR&P program before September 30, 2024, the direct assistance amount is $1325 per person on the case.
  • Funds allocated for minors are managed and split between the parents to ensure that the needs of younger family members are also met.

Additional Support:

  • Assistance with completing the AR-11 form for address changes and Selective Service registration for eligible individuals.
  • At least two virtual meetings with a case manager trained to address safety and well-being concerns, ensuring clients receive support for their physical and emotional health.


What services are not provided under VR&P?

Virtual Reception and Placement (VR&P) is designed to offer remote case management support to Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and certain Afghan Humanitarian Parolees (AHPs). However, there are specific limitations to the services provided under VR&P. Here’s a detailed overview of what VR&P does not offer:

  • Housing and Material Goods: VR&P does not provide assistance with housing, furniture, or other material goods. Clients enrolled in VR&P will need to secure their own housing and handle any related expenses independently. The program focuses on virtual case management and does not extend to physical goods or accommodations.
  • In-Person Case Management: VR&P operates entirely through remote communication methods, including phone, email, text, and video calls. The program does not offer in-person case management or face-to-face support.
  • Complex Needs: VR&P is not equipped to handle cases involving complex medical needs or special accommodations that require on-site support. Clients with such needs may be referred to other service providers who can offer the necessary in-person support.


How do I access the financial assistance provided under VR&P?

Once you are enrolled in the Virtual Reception and Placement (VR&P) program, you will be eligible for financial assistance to help with your immediate resettlement needs. Here’s a detailed guide on how to access and utilize this financial support:

  • Receiving Your Debit Card: Upon successful enrollment in VR&P, each adult on the case will receive a debit card by mail. This debit card is sent to your registered address and comes with instructions on how to activate and use it.
  • Activation and Use: The debit card arrives with detailed instructions provided in English, Dari, and Pashto. These instructions will guide you through the activation process, which typically involves calling a customer service number or visiting a website. Once activated, you can use the debit card to make purchases and cover expenses related to your resettlement.
  • Assistance Amount: The amount loaded onto the debit card is based on the direct financial assistance provided per person under the VR&P program. For those approved for VR&P by the end of September 30, 2024, the direct assistance amount is $1,325 per person on the case. This funding is intended to support essential needs such as housing, groceries, transportation, and other critical expenses as you settle into your new environment.

This financial assistance is designed to give you the flexibility to manage your immediate needs independently while you receive ongoing virtual case management support. For any additional questions or concerns about accessing your financial assistance, reach out to your VR&P case manager or the customer support number provided with your card.


Will I get the same services as someone with an in-person caseworker?

No, the Virtual Reception and Placement (VR&P) program provides a different level of support compared to traditional in-person resettlement services. Here’s a detailed overview of what you can expect with VR&P and how it differs from services provided by in-person caseworkers:

  • VR&P is a semi-independent case management program. This means that while you will receive valuable guidance and support from a virtual caseworker, the nature of this support differs from that of in-person resettlement services. Your virtual caseworker will assist you primarily through phone, email, text, and video calls.
  • Unlike in-person caseworkers, VR&P does not provide direct assistance with securing housing or procuring furnishings. You will need to find and arrange your own housing. Your virtual caseworker will offer guidance and advice on how to navigate housing options and may provide information on local resources and programs that can assist with these needs.
  • VR&P does not offer transportation services. You will be responsible for arranging your own transportation to appointments, grocery shopping, or other essential activities. Your virtual caseworker can offer recommendations and support in finding local transportation options.
  • While VR&P does not provide the hands-on support that an in-person caseworker might, it is designed to help you navigate and integrate into your new community. Your virtual caseworker will provide you with information on accessing local services, community resources, and support networks to help you establish yourself in your new environment.
  • VR&P encourages a degree of self-reliance and independence, empowering you to make decisions and manage your resettlement process with virtual support. This model helps you to become familiar with your new surroundings and build the skills necessary for long-term success.

For any specific needs or additional questions, your VR&P caseworker remains available to assist you remotely, ensuring you have the support and information necessary to make informed decisions as you settle into your new life.


How can I enroll in VR&P and access its services?

Enrolling in the Virtual Reception and Placement (VR&P) program is straightforward for Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and Afghan Humanitarian Parolees (AHPs) who have not yet received services from a traditional Resettlement Agency. Here’s a step-by-step guide to enrolling and accessing VR&P services:

  1. Initial Contact: To start the enrollment process, reach out to the VR&P team by calling the hotline at +1 (201) 733-2748 or emailing Virtual.RP@rescue.org. The hotline is open Monday-Friday from 9am-8pm Easten Time. This initial contact allows the VR&P team to gather preliminary information and initiate your application process.
  2. Eligibility Screening: After contacting VR&P, a team member will conduct an eligibility screening to determine if you qualify for the program. During this process, you will need to provide proof of your immigration status and a DS-0234 form for each member of your case. This documentation is crucial for verifying your eligibility.
  3. Waitlist Information: Due to high demand for VR&P services, there may be a waitlist before your case can be processed. The VR&P team member conducting your screening will inform you of the current wait time. It’s important to be patient during this period as the team works to accommodate all eligible applicants.
  4. Case Approval and Assignment: Once your case is approved, you will be assigned a virtual caseworker who will assist you throughout the VR&P program. Services, including financial assistance and case management, will commence only after your case has been officially approved and you are assigned a caseworker.
  5. Ongoing Support: Your assigned virtual caseworker will provide support through phone, email, and video calls. They will guide you on accessing resettlement resources, managing your needs, and integrating into your new community.



What if I am unhappy with virtual services and seek support at a local office?

If you as a client are dissatisfied with the services provided by the Virtual Reception and Placement (VR&P) program, you have several options to seek additional support or express your concerns. You can reach out to VR&P through multiple channels: by calling the VR&P hotline at (201) 733-2748, emailing Virtual.RP@rescue.org, or filling out an online feedback form available at VR&P Feedback Form.

It is important to note that using VR&P services may affect a client’s eligibility for traditional Reception and Placement (R&P) services at a local office. This means that if a client has engaged with VR&P, they might not qualify for the same level of in-person R&P services at local offices due to potential overlapping support.

Despite this, clients who are unhappy with VR&P can still receive support. VR&P can assist by connecting them with other community resources or organizations that may address their needs. This includes providing referrals to local services, connecting them with additional support networks, and offering guidance on how to access alternative forms of assistance.


Can I switch between a Virtual Reception and Placement (VR&P) program or an in-person Reception and Placement (R&P) program?

No, once you as a client have accessed services through either the Virtual Reception and Placement (VR&P) program or an in-person Reception and Placement (R&P) program, you are not eligible to switch between the two programs. Each program is designed to provide comprehensive support within its specific framework, and the services offered are distinct in their delivery methods and support structures.

The VR&P program offers remote case management, including support via phone, email, and video calls, while the traditional in-person R&P program provides face-to-face assistance and direct services. To ensure continuity and effective support, clients are expected to fully engage with the program. Switching between programs is not permitted as it can lead to confusion and overlap in services, potentially disrupting the support process.


What if the client doesn’t want to receive services virtually?

If a client expresses a preference not to receive services virtually, it’s important to note that VR&P is the only available option for “walk-in” SIVs. Local resettlement offices are required to adhere to the VR&P policy and are not able to offer in-person services unless specific eligibility criteria are met.

All Afghan SIVs who arrive independently and require support will generally be served by the Virtual Reception and Placement (VR&P) program.  

Clients who are unwilling to participate in VR&P should discuss their concerns with their virtual case manager. While VR&P aims to address a broad range of needs, any issues or special circumstances can be reviewed to determine if alternative resources or referrals can be provided. For further assistance or to explore additional support options, clients should contact VR&P directly at +1 (201) 733-2748 or email Virtual.RP@rescue.org.


I moved to a new location after finishing VR&P services, but I still need help. Can I call IRC for VR&P services?

Yes, you can still seek assistance from the IRC even after relocating to a new location following the completion of your VR&P services. If you find that you need further help or have questions about your resettlement, the VR&P team remains available to support you.

Here’s how you can access continued support:

  1. Reach out to the VR&P hotline at +1 (201) 733-2748 or email Virtual.RP@rescue.org. This contact line is available for any inquiries or assistance you might need related to the VR&P program, even if you have moved to a new area.
  2. The hotline operates from 9am to 8pm ET, Monday through Friday. During these hours, you can speak with a representative who can provide guidance, answer questions, or help address any issues related to your resettlement.
  3. While VR&P primarily offers remote support and does not provide in-person services, the team can help with information on accessing local resources, understanding your rights, and connecting with other support services in your new location.
  4. When contacting the hotline or sending an email, be sure to provide any relevant information about your case and your recent move. This will help the VR&P team assist you more effectively.
  5. If your needs are beyond what VR&P can provide, the team can also guide you on how to connect with local resettlement agencies and community resources in your new area.


Why don’t I have the option for an in-person case worker like a friend who arrived earlier?

The Virtual Reception and Placement (VR&P) program was officially launched on March 4, 2024. This program provides remote case management services through phone, email, text, and video calls to individuals arriving on or after this date. The introduction of VR&P was designed to expand domestic resettlement capacity and offer support to Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and certain Afghan Humanitarian Parolees (AHPs) who independently book their travel and arrive in the U.S. without in-person services.

If your friend arrived before March 4, 2024, they were eligible for the traditional in-person Reception and Placement (R&P) services. These services are provided through local resettlement agencies and include face-to-face interactions with case workers. Since you arrived after the implementation of VR&P, your services are delivered virtually as per the new policy.

The VR&P program aims to streamline the resettlement process and ensure timely support for newcomers, even if it is not provided in-person. However, the program is designed to be comprehensive, offering assistance with public benefits, school enrollment, job readiness, and more through virtual means.


Who should I contact for more information about VR&P?

For detailed information and inquiries about the Virtual Reception and Placement (VR&P) program, there are specific contacts depending on your role:

If you are a client seeking assistance or more information about VR&P, you can contact the VR&P team directly. Email your questions or concerns to virtual.rp@rescue.org or call the VR&P hotline at (201) 733-2748. The team is available to help with your inquiries, provide support, and guide you through the VR&P process.

Additional information about the VR&P program, including FAQs and guides, is available in the mentioned program’s Help Center. You can access resources in English, Dari, and Pashto at https://signpost-virtual-services.zendesk.com/hc/en-us. This site offers comprehensive details and answers to common questions about the VR&P program.



Ask for help from "Beporsed"

For those Afghans seeking specific information, "Beporsed" is here to help. You can reach our information center through WhatsApp (+93729807235)Facebook Messenger, or our website's Messenger to ask our online information desk officer for assistance.

For more information

For more information on immigration, resettlement, education and scholarship programs, and other opportunities available to Afghans worldwide, as well as details on the humanitarian services provided by international organizations in Afghanistan and procedures for obtaining civil documents from governmental institutions, please visit Beporsed's website and social media pages.

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