پرسش‌های متداول (FAQ) و رهنمود در مورد درخواست الکترونیکی ویزای مهاجرتی (DS-260) ایالات‌متحده-03.jpg

This is a guide on U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application which is developed in Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) format. This form is also required as part of the U.S. Special Immigration Visa (SIV) Program for Afghan applicants. In this article, we address common queries and concerns about the form DS-260 aiming to provide clarity and guidance to individuals navigating the complexities of the form DS-260. This information is based on the understanding of the "Beporsed" team from various sources and is not legal advice. This guide is updated on 5th February 2024. For legal guidance and advice, we recommend consulting official sources. Embarking on the journey of immigrating to the United States is a significant step, and the DS-260 form plays a pivotal role in this process. The U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application is more than just a standard electronic visa application; it is the gateway through which consular officers assess an applicant's eligibility for a visa. Through this comprehensive resource, we aim to demystify the DS-260, offering clear insights into its purpose, completion process, and essential requirements. Whether you're a prospective immigrant, accompanying family member, or visa applicant, our guide covers everything you need to know about the DS-260.

Join us as we navigate the essential questions surrounding the form DS-260, empowering individuals with knowledge and support on their journey to resettlement.


What is the U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application?

The U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application is an essential component of the visa application process for individuals seeking to immigrate to the United States. It is an electronic visa application form that collects detailed information about the applicant's background, including past addresses, work history, education, and family members. This form is crucial for consular officers to assess an applicant's eligibility for a visa and determine if they meet the necessary criteria for immigration.

Completing the DS-260 is mandatory for all immigrant visa applicants and their accompanying family members. Each applicant, including children, must submit their own DS-260 form. The form is completed and submitted online through the Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) website and must be filled out in English.

The DS-260 serves as the basis for the visa issuance process. Consular officers use the information provided in the form, along with other required documentation, to make decisions regarding visa eligibility.


I am SIV applicant. When do I complete the U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application?

SIV applicants complete the U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application after receiving Chief of Mission (COM) approval. Once COM approves your application or USCIS approves your I-360 petition, it will be forwarded to the National Visa Center (NVC) for processing. NVC will then send you an email with instructions on completing the online visa application, DS-260, for yourself and eligible family members listed on the DS-157 or I-360 application.

The email from NVC will detail the documents you need to submit to complete your application. Once your DS-260(s) are completed, and all necessary documents are submitted, NVC will communicate with the U.S. Embassy or Consulate responsible for scheduling your interview.

Throughout this process, if you have any questions about your visa application, you can contact NVC via email at nvcsiv@state.gov.


What do I need to complete and submit the DS-260 form online?

To complete and submit U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application, you will need the following:

  • Ensure you have access to the internet to complete the forms online.
  • Refer to the “welcome letter” email you received from the National Visa Center (NVC) for your unique case number, such as KBL number.
  • Also provided in the email from NVC is the invoice identification number, which is necessary for opening and completing the forms online.
  • Diversity Visa case holders require the Diversity Visa case number and their date of birth to open and complete the DS-260 form.

Having these details readily available will streamline the online form completion process and ensure the accurate submission of your application.


Where can I find the DS-260?

The U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application, can be accessed through various platforms:

  • Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) Website: Visit the CEAC website (https://ceac.state.gov/ceac/) and navigate to the section for immigrant visa applications. Here, you can begin the DS-260 application process.
  • Immigrant Visas.state.gov: Go to the Immigrant Visas website and locate the section titled "Submit Visa Application and Civil Documents." Clicking on this section will direct you to the DS-260 application portal.
  • U.S. Embassy or Consulate Website: Visit the website of the U.S. embassy or consulate where you intend to apply for your visa. Many embassy and consulate websites provide direct links to the DS-260 application form or provide instructions on how to access it.

Before starting the DS-260 application, you may find it helpful to preview a sample DS-260 form, which can typically be found on the same platforms where the application is accessed. This sample allows applicants to familiarize themselves with the format and questions before beginning the official application process.


Can I answer in my native language while filling out DS-260?

No, it is not permitted to answer in your native language while filling out the U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application. All responses, unless specifically indicated otherwise, must be provided in English using English characters exclusively. Applications submitted in any language other than English may be rejected, and applicants will be required to log back into the Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) and provide their answers in English.

Providing responses in English ensures uniformity and clarity in the visa application process, as English is the primary language used by consular officers and immigration officials. This requirement enables officials to accurately review and assess the information provided in the application, facilitating efficient processing and evaluation of visa eligibility.

If you are not proficient in English, it is advisable to seek assistance from someone who is fluent in English or to use translation tools to accurately translate your responses before entering them into the DS-260 form.


Do I need to fill out all sections of the DS-260 at once?

No, you do not need to complete all sections of the U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application at once, however you are able to complete at once. The DS-260 application allows for flexibility in completing the form, and you can save your progress at any time, even if the application is not yet complete.

It's important to note that while you can save your progress and return to the DS-260 later, it's advisable to gather the necessary information beforehand to streamline the completion process. This may include details about your personal background, such as past addresses, work history, education, and family members. Having this information readily available can help expedite the completion of the DS-260.

To save your application, simply click the "Save" button located at the bottom of every page. Once you have completed all sections of the DS-260 and reviewed the information for accuracy, you can proceed to submit the form.


What information do I need and how do I fill out the DS-260 form?

To complete the U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application, you'll need several documents and pieces of information readily available. Here's a list to guide you through the process:

  • Ensure you have your passport and any other relevant documents accessible before starting the DS-260 application.
  • Have your COM application materials ready, including your DS-157 form and any other previous work documents, to review your work history details.
  • Gather any diplomas or education-related documents to review your education history.
  • Collect any old passports or travel documents to confirm your travel history.
  • Gather old address information dating back to when you were 16 years old to document your address history.
  • Compile emails, documents containing phone numbers, email addresses, and social media accounts used in the last 5 years to review your personal history.
  • Have a copy of a trusted address in the United States to provide as a mailing address.
  • Prepare documents confirming the information of your parents, spouse, former spouses, and children.
  • Gather any prior visas you received to travel to the United States.
  • If applicable, collect any military records documenting past military service.


What sections are in the DS-260 form, and what information do I need to provide?

The U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application is divided into several sections, each requiring specific details to be filled out accurately. Here's an overview of the main sections and the information you'll need to provide:

  • This includes your full name, date and place of birth, gender, nationality, and other personal details.
  • You'll need to provide your current address, phone number, and email address for communication purposes.
  • Details about your passport, such as the passport number, issuance and expiration dates, and issuing country, are required.
  • Information about your immediate family members, including their names, dates of birth, and current whereabouts, should be provided.
  • This section asks for your current and previous employment history, educational background, and any specialized training you've undergone.
  • Details about your previous travel, immigration history, and any criminal or security-related issues must be disclosed.
  • Information about your medical history, including any communicable diseases or physical and mental disorders, is required.
  • You have the option to provide any other relevant details that you believe are important for your visa application.

Ensure you review each section of the DS-260 form carefully and provide accurate and complete information to the best of your knowledge.


Are all fields on the DS-260 mandatory?

Most fields on the U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application are mandatory, meaning they must be completed before the application can be submitted. However, there are certain fields marked as "Optional" that you may choose to leave blank if the information is not applicable or if you prefer not to provide it. Additionally, some fields may offer the option to select "Does Not Apply" if the question does not pertain to your circumstances. It is important to carefully review each question and provide accurate responses based on your individual situation.

While optional fields can be left blank, all other mandatory fields must be completed. The application system will not allow you to submit the form if any mandatory fields are left unanswered. If you attempt to submit the form with mandatory fields left blank, an error message will be displayed, prompting you to complete the required information before proceeding with the application submission process.

Failure to provide responses to questions that apply to your situation may result in the rejection of your DS-260 form or request you to submit the form DS-5535.


What happens if I need to step away in the middle of data entry in the DS-260 form?

If you need to step away from completing the U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application, you can save your progress at any time by clicking on the "Save" button located at the bottom of each page. This allows you to save the data you have entered and return to complete the form later. Once you click "Save," your partially completed DS-260 will be stored in the system, and you can sign out by clicking on "Sign Out" in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

However, it's important to note that the DS-260 has a "time out" feature to ensure privacy and security. If your application remains idle for approximately 20 minutes, the Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) will automatically log you out of the system. In this case, any data entered before the last "Save" action will be retained, but any changes made after the last save will be lost.

To avoid losing any progress, it's recommended to save your work frequently by clicking on the "Save" button, especially before stepping away from the computer or if you anticipate being idle for an extended period. Additionally, you can set a reminder to periodically save your progress to prevent accidental loss of data.


How do I access a previously saved DS-260?

To access a previously saved U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application, you can follow these steps:

  • Return to the Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) website.
  • Navigate to the Immigrant Visa – Summary Information screen.
  • From the IV and Alien Registration section, select "View/Edit."
  • You will see a list of all applicants associated with your case, along with the status of each application (NOT STARTED, INCOMPLETE, or SUBMITTED).
  • To continue updating an incomplete application, click on the "Edit" button next to the application’s status.

By following these steps, you can easily access and edit any previously saved DS-260 applications. However, it's important to note that once you have submitted your application by clicking the “Sign and Submit Application” button on the "Sign and Submit" page, you will no longer be able to access or edit the application without assistance.

If you need to make changes to a submitted application, you will need to contact the National Visa Center (NVC). Ensuring that you have accurate and up-to-date information in your DS-260 application is crucial for the visa application process.


Why is it recommended to submit your DS-260 form despite not having all the documents available, such as a passport?

Submitting your U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application, even if you don't have all the required documents like a passport, is advisable for several reasons. Firstly, upon submitting the form and receiving confirmation, you typically have a window of a year to provide the necessary documents to the National Visa Center (NVC). This allows you to save time in the application process by securing your place on the CARE relocation list and initiating the visa processing procedure.

Submitting the DS-260 form ensures that you're included in the queue for visa processing. Once your turn comes, you'll be transferred to a location like Qatar for further processing, regardless of whether all documents are immediately available. Additionally, by submitting the form promptly, any subsequent document submissions are dated from the time of the initial form submission. This means that when you eventually provide the missing documents, they will be considered in conjunction with your original submission date.

Delaying submission of the DS-260 form can result in extended waiting periods for visa processing. Therefore, it's recommended to take proactive steps by submitting the form promptly and then providing any missing documents as soon as they become available.


What is DS-160, and is it different from DS-260?

Yes, the DS-160 and DS-260 are different forms used for different visa processes. The DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application form, is specifically for temporary travel to the United States and for K (fiancé(e)) visas. It is submitted electronically via the Department of State website and provides essential information for Consular Officers to process visa applications and determine eligibility for nonimmigrant visas.

Unlike the U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application, which is primarily for immigrant visa applications, the DS-160 is used for nonimmigrant visa categories, including tourist visas, work visas, student visas, and exchange visitor visas, among others. Applicants for K visas, intended for fiancé(e)s of U.S. citizens, also use the DS-160.

After completing the DS-160 form online, applicants must take several additional steps. They need to print and keep the DS-160 barcode page for their records. Then, they are responsible for scheduling a visa interview appointment at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where they will be interviewed.


What civil documents should I submit to NVC after filling out and submitting the DS-260?

After completing and submitting your U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application, it's essential to gather and submit the necessary civil documents to support your visa application. These documents must be issued by the official issuing authority in your country and must comply with specific requirements outlined by NVC for each country. If any documents are not in English or the official language of the country, certified translations must accompany them.

The translated documents must include a statement signed by the translator affirming the accuracy of the translation and their competence to translate. When submitting documents to NVC via email to nvcsiv@state.gov, ensure you include:

  • A copy of the biodata page from each applicant's passport.
  • Scanned copies of birth certificates.
  • Tazkeras for each applicant, as well as any other civil documents showing the relationship between you and your minor children.
  • Marriage certificate, if applicable, as well as any other civil documents showing the relationship between you and your spouse.
  • Divorce certificate and marriage certificate for the previous spouse, if applicable, and
  • Police certificates, which are generally not required for Afghan residents. However, if you have lived in another country for over 12 months since age 16, a police certificate from that locality is necessary.
  • A completed Refugee Benefits Election Form
  • DS-0234, Special Immigrant Visa Biodata confirmation page.

If a required document is unavailable, follow the country-specific guidelines and provide a detailed written explanation to NVC. Any missing documents may delay your case, and consular officers will determine if they are necessary for visa issuance during the interview process.


I received COM Approval, but I don't have a passport. How should I submit the DS-260 form?

If you've received COM Approval but lack a passport, you can still proceed with submitting the U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application form for yourself and any family members included in your case. However, when it comes to indicating passport information in the DS-260, select "Other Documents" instead of providing passport details.

After submitting the DS-260, you'll need to send your civil documents. At this stage, include a statement justifying why there is no passport or civil documents attached to your case. This statement helps the NVC understand your circumstances, and they will consider your case documentarily completed based on your explanation.

It's crucial to note that while the absence of a passport may delay certain processes, such as relocation by CARE, providing a clear explanation can expedite your case's processing. The NVC will share your case information with CARE for relocation purposes, but relocation is contingent upon having a passport available.


How many family members are we allowed to add in DS-260? Is it possible to add more than what is mentioned there?

Upon receiving Chief of Mission (COM) approval, the U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application includes the names of the principal applicant and their associated family members, which are extracted from form DS-157. It's crucial to accurately list all family members during the DS-260 filing process. However, if any family member is inadvertently omitted or if a new child is born after submission, it's possible to add them with the permission of the National Visa Center (NVC).

Adding a family member typically requires contacting the NVC via email and providing the necessary supporting documents, such as birth certificates, Tazkera (identity documents), and passports, to establish the relationship. Once NVC verifies the relationship, they'll update the DS-260 form to include the new family member.

Notably, children under the age of 21 are automatically included in the principal applicant's case, and their names will be visible in the DS-260 form. It's imperative to ensure all family members are correctly listed to avoid delays or complications in the visa processing journey.


What to do after sending the DS-260 form?

After submitting the U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application online, it is essential to gather and submit all required civil documents to support your visa application. These documents include passports for all family members immigrating to the United States, marriage certificates (if applicable), divorce certificates (if separated), birth certificates or other proof of family relationship with the main applicant, office identification cards (Badge Numbers), completed and signed Form DS-234, and police documents for family members over 16 years old who have lived in a country other than Afghanistan for more than 12 months.

It is important to register all your civil documents via email at the National Visa Center (NVC). Once you have submitted all the required documents to NVCSIV@state.gov, NVC will confirm the completeness of your application. The NVC office will then contact you to schedule an interview at the relevant embassy.

Ensure that all documents are in English or accompanied by certified translations if in Dari or Pashto. Each document should be in PDF or JPG format, with individual file sizes not exceeding 4 megabytes (MB).

After submitting the DS-260 form, remember to print the confirmation page and take it to your interview. You can also download and print it again from the CEAC portal at any time after completing the DS-260 application.


I have received my COM approval, and I'm ready to submit my DS-260. When I applied for the SIV, my child was over 21. I have the opportunity to legally adjust the age of my child to be younger by up to one year, so should I decrease the age, and is it acceptable for NVC?

No, you should not adjust your child's age to make them appear younger on your application. This practice, known as age adjustment or age shaving, constitutes fraud and misrepresentation. If the National Visa Center (NVC) or the US Embassy discovers this deception, it can lead to severe consequences, including denial of your application and a lifetime ban from obtaining any US visa.

It's crucial to understand that US immigration laws supersede any allowances or practices permitted under Afghan law. Therefore, regardless of whether adjusting your child's age is permissible in Afghanistan, it is impermissible under US immigration regulations.

Engaging in fraudulent activities undermines the integrity of the immigration process and can have long-term repercussions for both you and your family. This prohibition is extremely challenging to overturn.


My child’s name is not in DS-260, but he was under 21 years old when I applied for SIV, what should I do?

If your child was under 21 years old at the time of your SIV application but their name is not listed in the U.S. DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application, it's crucial to take corrective action to ensure their eligibility for immigration benefits. When your approval comes, your child's age will be verified using form DS-157.

If my child's name is not on the DS-260, but he was under 21 years old at the time of submitting the application or sending the DS-157 application, to rectify the situation, promptly inform the National Visa Center (NVC) via email that your child was under the age of 21 at the time of application, and request them to open a DS-260 form for your child. Once the DS-260 is opened, submit the required civil documents for your child's immigration process.

Children who have turned 21 by the time of the DS-157 application will unfortunately be excluded from the case until their family has immigrated and their father obtains a green card, at which point they may be petitioned to join the family in the United States.



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For more information

For more information on immigration, resettlement, education and scholarship programs, and other opportunities available to Afghans worldwide, as well as details on the humanitarian services provided by international organizations in Afghanistan and procedures for obtaining civil documents from governmental institutions, please visit Beporsed's website and social media pages.

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