پرسش‌های متداول (FAQ) و رهنمود در مورد وکلا و نهادهای حمایت از مهاجران در ایالات‌متحده-03.jpg

This is a guide on lawyer facilities and refugee support agencies in the U.S., which was developed in Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) format. In this guide, we address common queries and concerns about the Lawyer facility and Refugee Support Agencies in the U.S., aiming to provide clarity and guidance to individuals navigating the complexities of the U.S. immigration process. This information is based on the understanding of the "Beporsed" team from various sources and is not legal advice. This guide is updated on 5th February 2024. For legal guidance and advice, we recommend consulting official sources. Afghan refugees in the United States have access to various legal and resettlement support services provided by agencies offering free assistance.

Join us as we navigate the essential questions surrounding the Lawyer facility and Refugee Support Agencies in the U.S., empowering individuals with knowledge and support on their journey to resettlement.


Do I Have to Have a Lawyer in the U.S. to Apply for Asylum?

No, it is not mandatory to have a lawyer when applying for asylum in the United States. However, due to the complexity of asylum law and the potential consequences of an unsuccessful application, seeking legal assistance is highly recommended. An experienced immigration lawyer can provide valuable guidance throughout the asylum application process, helping you understand your rights, gather necessary evidence, and prepare a compelling statement to support your case.

Having a lawyer can significantly increase the likelihood of a successful outcome in your asylum application. A skilled attorney can navigate the intricate legal procedures, identify potential pitfalls, and advocate on your behalf before immigration authorities. Additionally, legal representation can help ensure that your asylum claim is presented effectively, increasing your chances of obtaining protection in the United States.

Contacting reputable legal clinics or organizations specializing in immigration law can provide invaluable support and resources for asylum seekers. While having legal representation is not mandatory, it can greatly enhance the prospects of a successful asylum case. By consulting with a lawyer, you can gain a better understanding of your asylum options and receive professional guidance tailored to your individual circumstances.


How do I find a lawyer to help me in United States?

Securing legal representation is crucial when navigating immigration matters. Immigration lawyers provide invaluable assistance in ensuring compliance with deadlines and accuracy in paperwork submission. If you're unable to afford an attorney, there are resources available to help you find legal assistance.

One option is to explore nonprofit organizations that offer pro bono legal services to individuals in need. A list of such organizations can be found through the provided link, which is accessible in English. These nonprofits specialize in providing legal aid to individuals facing immigration challenges, ensuring access to competent legal counsel regardless of financial constraints.

Another avenue for legal support is the Immigration Services for Afghan Arrivals (ILSAA) program. This initiative offers free legal services to Eligible Afghan Arrivals (EAAs) nationwide, assisting them in navigating the complexities of the U.S. legal immigration system. Eligible individuals can avail themselves of legal guidance and representation through the ILSAA program, enhancing their ability to address immigration-related issues effectively.

Additionally, if you reside in or near Virginia, consider reaching out to the William & Mary Law School Immigration Clinic. This clinic may offer assistance tailored to your specific case, providing expert legal guidance and support.


How can Afghan individuals and families facing legal challenges in the United States get help with their immigration issues?

Afghan individuals and families encountering legal hurdles in the United States can access free immigration legal services through Immigration Legal Services for Afghan Arrivals (ILSAA). The dedicated attorneys and teams specialize in assisting Eligible Afghan Arrivals (EAAs) with various immigration matters crucial for establishing permanent residency and security in the country.

ILSAA offers support for navigating complex pathways to permanent residency, including obtaining asylum status and Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) status, facilitating family reunification, and more. With ILSAA's expertise and commitment, they aim to alleviate the confusion and challenges associated with immigration processes, empowering Afghan individuals and families to secure their legal status and build stable lives in the United States.

ILSAA services are provided in all languages spoken in Afghanistan, ensuring accessibility for speakers of Dari, Pashto, and other regional languages. If you are an EAA in need of immigration assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to ILSAA for comprehensive and compassionate support or visit its website: https://ilsaa.acf.hhs.gov/ .


How can I request legal services from Immigration Services for Afghan Arrivals (ILSAA)?

Requesting legal services from Immigration Services for Afghan Arrivals (ILSAA) is a straightforward process designed to assist individuals navigating immigration challenges. To initiate the request, individuals can call the toll-free hotline at +1-833-286-0864 or email ILSAAinfo@icf.com. In the email, please provide your name, phone number, and primary language preference, as well as any specific translation needs you may have.

Once your request is received, an ILSAA team member will promptly respond to assist you further and determine your eligibility for legal services. Eligibility criteria may vary depending on individual circumstances and program requirements.

If deemed eligible, ILSAA will proceed to match you with a qualified Legal Service Provider (LSP) who can address your specific needs and provide professional legal assistance. The LSP will work closely with you to understand your immigration situation, provide legal advice, and guide you through the necessary steps to resolve your immigration matters effectively.

It's important to note that the ILSAA is free of cost and is also committed to providing culturally sensitive and language-accessible services to Afghan arrivals, ensuring that language barriers do not hinder access to vital legal assistance. Therefore, individuals are encouraged to communicate their language preferences and translation needs upfront to facilitate seamless communication throughout the process. For more information, please visit its website: https://ilsaa.acf.hhs.gov/


What kind of help does IRAP provide?

IRAP (International Refugee Assistance Project) offers free legal assistance to certain refugees and displaced individuals across various immigration-related processes. These include:

  • Matters related to Afghan and Iraqi Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applications, encompassing certain Chief of Mission appeals.
  • Facilitate family reunification for refugees with relatives in the United States and some European countries, covering specific stages and types of family reunification procedures.
  • Representation of refugees in particular UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) processes in designated countries.
  • Aid with certain types of Requests for Review (RFRs) for denials under the US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP).
  • Assistance with miscellaneous processes, such as refugees in the U.S. applying for a refugee travel document.
  • IRAP website address: https://support.iraplegalinfo.org/hc/en-us 

IRAP endeavors to assist individuals in these processes, but it cannot guarantee aid to every person in every situation. Moreover, IRAP does not provide support for financial aid, job assistance, dealings with the individual's current government, or requests outside their scope. Individuals seeking assistance in these areas are advised to consult immigration attorneys. IRAP also offers resources for locating free or private immigration legal service providers in the United States.


Ask for help from "Beporsed"

For those Afghans seeking specific information, "Beporsed" is here to help. You can reach our information center through WhatsApp (+93729807235)Facebook Messenger, or our website's Messenger to ask our online information desk officer for assistance.


For more information

For more information on immigration, resettlement, education and scholarship programs, and other opportunities available to Afghans worldwide, as well as details on the humanitarian services provided by international organizations in Afghanistan and procedures for obtaining civil documents from governmental institutions, please visit Beporsed's website and social media pages.

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