برنامه مهاجرتی و اسکان مجدد دولت استرالیا برای همـــــکاران افغان یا LEE-03.jpg

The Australian Government is no longer accepting applications under the Afghan LEE program. The application period ended at 11:59PM AEST 30 November 2023.

The Afghan Locally Engaged Employee (LEE) Program of Australia is a vital initiative designed to provide support and protection to Afghan nationals who have worked for the Australian Government in Afghanistan and are now facing potential harm due to their employment. This program offers resettlement to Australia for certified Afghan LEEs and their immediate family members who are at risk as a result of their service in support of Australia's operations in Afghanistan. This guide provides detailed information on how to apply for certification under the Afghan LEE Program through the Department of Home Affairs. It is a crucial resource for individuals seeking protection and support in Australia due to their past employment with the Australian Government in Afghanistan.

Australia’s Afghan Locally Engaged Employees (LEE) program is for Afghan nationals who were employed by the Australian Government in Afghanistan and are at risk of harm as a result of their work.

If you have previously applied, you do not need to apply again. Agencies are continuing to process applications.


Since 2013, the Australian Government has offered resettlement to Australia for certified Afghan locally engaged employees (LEE) and their direct family members who are at risk of harm as result of their work in support of Australia’s operations in Afghanistan.

Security guards and Afghan government and military officials who were employed with the Australian Government in Afghanistan are now eligible to apply for LEE certification.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade or the Department of Defence will assess any applications previously submitted by Afghan nationals who were employed with the Australian Government in Afghanistan in a private security capacity, including security guards, or those who are or have previously been Afghan Government or military official.

To be certified as an Afghan Locally Engaged Employee, you must demonstrate that you were employed with the Australian Government and meet the criteria for certification.

Who is eligible for LEE?

Those are eligible to LEE, who are employed with Australian ties. You must:

  • not be a national or citizen of another country other than Afghanistan;
  • demonstrate that you were ‘employed with’ The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), including the former Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), in Afghanistan;
  • demonstrate that you are currently at risk of harm as a result of that employment; and
  • demonstrate that exceptional circumstances exist if you are applying more than six months after ceasing that employment.

New eligibility

Afghan security guards, government officials and military officials are now eligible to apply for LEE certification.

Please note: Participation in an Australian-funded or facilitated training programs or scholarships do not satisfy the ‘employed with’ criterion. You must demonstrate that you were ‘employed with’ the AFP, not that you were a beneficiary of an Australian-funded training program or scholarship.

How to Apply?

There are four steps to apply to DFAT for certification under the Afghan LEE Program: 

  1. The applicant submits an Afghan LEE Program Application Form [DOCX 82 KB] and supporting evidence to DFAT by e-mail to afghan.lee@dfat.gov.au. The application form must be completed in English. Supporting evidence can be provided in languages other than English.
  2. DFAT will assess the application, which includes verifying the employment information provided by the applicant.
  3. Based on assessment of the application and supporting evidence, DFAT will recommend to the Minister for Foreign Affairs if the applicant is eligible for certification.
  4. The Minister for Foreign Affairs will decide whether to certify the applicant.

Applying to DFAT for certification under the Afghan LEE Program is different from applying for a humanitarian visa. If you are certified under the Afghan LEE Program, you must also apply for and be granted a humanitarian visa to migrate to Australia. Applications for a humanitarian visa must be done separately through Home Affairs- Resettle in Australia.  

If you are certified under the Afghan LEE Program and apply for a humanitarian visa, Home Affairs will prioritize the processing of your humanitarian visa application.  You will need to satisfy the health, character, and security requirements that apply to all Australian visas.

Further information on how to apply for a humanitarian visa is available on Home Affairs- Resettle in Australia.

If you are not certified under the Afghan LEE Program, you may still apply for a humanitarian visa at any time through Home Affairs. Not being certified under the Afghan LEE Program has no adverse impact on your suitability to obtain an Australian visa. Your visa will be processed in accordance with Australian Government priorities.

DFAT will handle any personal information you provide as part of your application for certification under the Afghan LEE Program in accordance with the Afghan LEE Program Privacy Notice [PDF 208 KB].

Applicants should read the Guidelines for applying for the Afghan LEE Program before starting an application. The Guidelines set out how to apply and the eligibility and certification criteria.

Evidence to support Application

You must provide relevant evidence to support your application. This evidence may include:

  • Your Afghan identity document, including Tazkera and birth certificate
  • Your passport;
  • Marriage certificate if applied;
  • Your employment contract or a record of pay;
  • A letter of reference from your employer, including the name of your supervisor;
  • Certificates of appreciation;
  • Relevant photos or copies of your Australian Embassy-issued / ADF-issued security pass;
  • Other evidence of your employment and its links to Australia; and
  • Evidence that demonstrates the risk of harm you face as a result of that employment.

You should provide DFAT with as much information and relevant supporting documents as you can to demonstrate that you meet the certification criteria.


Application Deadline

Applications will close 11:59PM Australian Eastern Standard Time 30 November 2023. In accordance with the recommendations of the independent review of the Afghan LEE Program, the Program will conclude on 31 May 2024. If you wish to be considered for certification under the program your application needs to be submitted by 30 November 2023, 11:59PM Australian Eastern Standard Time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Applicants should read the following frequently asked questions (FAQ) before starting an application:

Is being certified under the Afghan LEE Program the same as getting a humanitarian visa?

No. Applying to DFAT for certification under the Afghan LEE Program is different to applying for a humanitarian visa.  If you want to apply for a humanitarian visa, you must do so separately through the Department of Home Affairs (Home Affairs).  If you are certified under the Afghan LEE Program you must also apply for a humanitarian visa to be able to migrate to Australia.

If you are certified under the Afghan LEE Program and you separately apply for a humanitarian visa, Home Affairs will prioritize the processing of your humanitarian visa application.

Do I have to be certified under the Afghan LEE Program to get a humanitarian visa?

No. If you are not certified under the Afghan LEE Program, you may still apply for a humanitarian visa at any time through Home Affairs. Further information on how to apply for a humanitarian visa is available on Home Affairs' website. Not being certified has no adverse impact on your suitability to obtain an Australian visa. 

If I am certified under the Afghan LEE Program, will DFAT help me with my visa application?

No. DFAT cannot assist you with the visa application process. All visa applications are managed by Home Affairs.

How will DFAT assess my application?

DFAT will assess whether you meet the certification criteria. DFAT may seek to verify the employment information that you provide, including contacting your employer. DFAT will handle your personal information in accordance with its Afghan LEE Program Privacy Notice [PDF 208 KB]. After assessing your application, DFAT will recommend to the Minister for Foreign Affairs whether you are eligible for certification under the Afghan LEE Program. The Minister will then make a decision on your application.

How long will the certification process take?

Applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Processing times will vary depending on whether your application is completed, how complex your application is, and how quickly you or others can provide information that DFAT requests to support your application.

What happens to the information I provide DFAT?

DFAT will use the information that you provide to assess whether you meet the certification criteria. DFAT may seek to verify the employment information that you provide, by contacting your employer.

DFAT will handle your personal information in accordance with its Afghan LEE Program Privacy Notice [PDF 208 KB].

I previously applied and was not certified. What should I do?

DFAT will review previously made decisions relating to Afghan LEE certifications to determine whether the resulting decisions were properly made. DFAT will contact you directly for further information if the decision was not properly made. The Australian Government has amended legislative instrument IMMI12/127 to the Migration Regulations. Legislative instrument IMMI12/127 outlines the certification criteria for the Afghan LEE Program. DFAT will assess any applications received prior to 31 May 2023. If you applied prior to that date, you do not need to reapply. DFAT / Defence will contact you directly for further information if required.

I did not previously apply because I thought I was ineligible. What should I do?

If you were previously ineligible to apply for certification because you were engaged in a private security capacity, including security guards, or you are or were an Afghan government or military official, you need to make an application for certification before 30 November 2023.

I worked with the Australian Defense Force or Australian Federal Police in Afghanistan. What should I do?

DFAT can only assess applications from applicants who worked with DFAT, including the former Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), in Afghanistan.

If you were employed with the Australian Defence Force in Afghanistan, you should contact the Department of Defence.

If you were employed with the Australian Federal Police (AFP) in Afghanistan, you should contact the AFP.

I participated in an Australian-funded training program or scholarship. Can I be certified on that basis?

No. To apply to DFAT for certification under the Afghan LEE Program, you must demonstrate that you were ‘employed with' DFAT including the former Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID).


In conclusion, the Afghan Locally Engaged Employee (LEE) Program of Australia stands as a testament to the country's commitment to supporting and protecting those who have served alongside the Australian Government in Afghanistan and are now facing potential harm. It is crucial for eligible individuals to take advantage of the opportunity to apply for certification under the program before the closing date of November 30, 2023. This comprehensive guide serves as a valuable resource for individuals navigating the application process and seeking support in their journey towards safety and security in Australia.

Read more:

Ask for help from "Beporsed"

For those Afghans seeking specific information, "Beporsed" is here to help. You can reach our information center through WhatsApp (+93729807235)Facebook Messenger, or our website's Messenger to ask our online information desk officer for assistance.

For more information

For more information on immigration, resettlement, education and scholarship programs, and other opportunities available to Afghans worldwide, as well as details on the humanitarian services provided by international organizations in Afghanistan and procedures for obtaining civil documents from governmental institutions, please visit Beporsed's website and social media pages.

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