Providing critical information to Afghans in need

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We offer support and information on the following platforms:


Information about safety, resettlement options, scholarships and other opportunities for Afghans across the world

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"Beporsed" is a program part of Signpost Global, which provides information to Afghans on resettlement programs around the world and those seeking information about services provided by national and international organizations in Afghanistan. It tries to empower Afghans, in times of crisis, by providing information and making them aware of the opportunities and services and supporting them with information to make vital and informed decisions.

The content is created in written and visual formats (graphics, animation and video) in Dari, Pashto and English languages, and disseminated through the project’s digital platforms, printed media, and offline. The content management and production are determined and driven by the extensive analysis of information needs and requirements of Afghans. Moreover, it uses any other medium that meet the needs and abilities of all Afghans, considering their geographical location, literacy levels or access to technology.

Beporsed empowers the people of Afghanistan in times of crisis by making them aware of opportunities and services and providing timely information to make vital and informed decisions about their important issues. Additionally, "Beporsed" as an information center, facilitates a two-way communication service through its digital and social media platforms for users to provide reliable and timely information to their questions.

All the relevant information is collected from reliable and trusted sources inside and outside of Afghanistan. They are then produced innovatively and creatively for the users, and continuously updated based on the original and reliable sources. 


  • Providing information about resettlement, family reunification and asylum-seeking options in countries of Europe and Americas. 
  • Publishing and coverage of news and reports related to the migration of Afghans around the world and changes in immigration processes and procedures. 
  • Dissemination of information about educational programs, scholarships and other special opportunities for Afghans living in Afghanistan and abroad as refugees.
  • Guidance and awareness for Afghans to acquire civil documents, especially birth certificate, national identity cards (both electronic and paper), marriage and inheritance certificates, and passports from the 34 provinces of the country. 
  • Increasing awareness of Afghans about receiving of services from international and national organizations in line with humanitarian support, emergencies, and protection of laws for children and women in Afghanistan. 


  • Providing information for Afghans to understand and claim their rights, access to needed services and make informed decisions;
  • Providing information that meets the needs of Afghans; And
  • Produce quality, accurate, authentic, creative and timely informative media-products for the audience considering their capabilities and access to technology.


Responsible and accountable counseling and awareness to Afghans in need regarding the opportunities and services

Our values

Beporsed’s approach to provision of information for its audience is grounded on independence, accuracy, reliability and time. Five values, quality, creativity, human rights, respect and accountability are irrevocable principles of the project. 

Our Audiences

The project’s audience is comprised of Afghans in need of information about resettlement programs offered to them in different countries of the world, scholarships, guidance about acquiring civil documents, and services offered by national and international organizations in the country.


  • The information products that are produced are compatible with the realities of the lives of people of Afghanistan and we are responsible for them. Our team is trained to listen, communicate and be responsive to those we strive to support.
  • By providing high-quality and up-to-date information to the people who need it, we can bring balance and peace back to them. With access to reliable information, people can make informed decisions about issues that matter to them.
  • We work with our partners, international organizations, official authorities, displaced persons, refugees and asylum seekers to ensure that the information we provide is as up-to-date and useful as possible.

Please keep in mind that "Beporsed" cannot: 

❌ Provide any legal advice on individual cases

❌ Process or speed up your visa or asylum applications

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